Kingdom® Outside Texas

About Austin

Ordinary people sharing their faith






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What we believe

Ordinary people having an impact for the kingdom of God

We are not woke. We believe the Bible is the source of truth for all generations.

Going Deeper...

Near-death Experiences

Near-death experiences, recounted by individuals who have glimpsed the afterlife, are often considered by Christian apologists as compelling anecdotes supporting the existence of a transcendent realm and offering glimpses into the profound mysteries of faith and the divine.

Historical Reliability of the New Testament

Manuscript evidence, archeological findings, and the early dating of biblical text point toward the historical reliability of the New Testament and in the teachings of Jesus being passed down accurately.

Fine-Tuning Argument

The precise physical constants and conditions necessary for life to exist in the universe imply a purposeful design proving a Creator who carefully fashioned the cosmos to sustain life.

Cosmological Argument

The existence of the universe requires a transcendent cause or Prime Mover proving that God is the necessary and uncaused First Cause.

Cold Case Christianity

As readers follow the journey of a seasoned detective turning his expertise to matters of faith, "Cold Case Christianity" offers a unique perspective that challenges skeptics and encourages believers to approach their convictions with a renewed sense of confidence and understanding.

Imagine Heaven

"The Road to Heaven" by John Burke is a transformative guide that navigates the profound journey of life after death, offering readers a captivating blend of spiritual insights, scientific discoveries, and personal stories to illuminate the path toward a deeper understanding of eternity.

Astrophysicist Scientist Is Troubled By Science

Brilliant atheist scientist’s quest for scientific truth led an unexpected journey to life’s deepest questions. Heart-warming story! - Dr. Hugh Ross

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Featured on NBC's Dateline As a Cold Case Detective

Atheist cold case detective applies his cold case techniques for cold murders to the death / resurrection of Jesus. Crazy life story! - J. Warner Wallace

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Canadian-born Astrophysicist Is an Inspiring Female Scientist

Growing up in a family of atheists, this scientist started to search not only for black holes but where deeper science led her. A message from an inspiring Astrophysicist! - Dr. Sarah Salviander

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40 Days to Fruitfulness

Ordinary people sharing their faith

A research team dedicated their efforts to compiling stories for this book, which is rich with narratives from ordinary individuals sharing their faith. The heart of the books lies in the stories of ordinary people having an extraordinary impact for the kingdom of God.

What is Apologetics?

"Always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in you"
(1 Peter 3:15)

Definition: Giving reasons for the faith; WHY

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