Public School Students Can Receive Bible Education During School Hours - Lifewise Academy
Public School Students Can Receive Bible Education During School Hours - Lifewise Academy
In 1952 the Supreme Court ruled that public school students can receive Bible education DURING school hours. Public schools students can be released to receive Bible education as long as this long as the program is off school property, privately funded, and has parental approval. The great thing about LifeWise Academy is that according to research studies when students participate in Lifewise Academy total education hours go up, absenteeism goes down statistically, and education results go up for the school.
Any Church Can Start A Christian School Or Any Family Can Homeschool - Covenant Journey Academy
Any Church Can Start A Christian School Or Any Family Can Homeschool - Covenant Journey Academy
Covenant Journey Academy (CJA) is unique in that it integrates a Biblical worldview into every course. Just because a school is a Christian school doesn’t mean that a Biblical worldview is integrated throughout the curriculum. It’s a full-service online K-12 Christian academy with courses taught by certified teachers including more than 30 college courses taught by qualified university faculty. Students can complete a college associate degree while in high school. Plus, CJA offers six languages and students can begin Spanish as early as kindergarten. There is rolling enrollment and coursework can be completed 365 days a year 24/7. A private school can use all the courses from CJA, or it can supplement its existing courses with CJA courses. With CJA it makes it possible for just about any church to add a Christian school.
Foster Care And Help For Foster Care Is Needed In Austin
Foster Care And Help For Foster Care Is Needed In Austin
You might have a heart to help with foster care and get trained to be a foster care parent. However, there are many ways that you can help. Even if you never become a foster parent, you can help support families with foster kids. Or, you can be a big brother or a big sister. Use your creativity. There are so many ways to help children that end up without parents to nurture and support them. By getting involved with helping foster children, you might have a long-term impact on a child’s entire life.
Vision: For Every Child To Be Loved And Cared For In Austin!
Health & Wellness
Health – Experience A Healthier Life With More Energy!
Health – Experience A Healthier Life With More Energy!
You can improve your health and have more energy. The quality of your relationships, your overall life quality, and your even impact for the kingdom is influenced by your health! Join with others who are working to improve their health and have a kingdom impact. Plus, learn about ways you can help make Austin a healthier city.
Homeless Ministries
Homeless Ministries
There are many homeless ministries in Austin. These homeless ministries have an impact in a wide variety of areas. The ministries provide food, clothes, a weekly Church Under the Bridge with a meal, and work to help people get off the streets.
Vision: To end homelessness in Austin!
Married Couples - Develop Skills To Experience A Long-Lasting, Satisfying Marriage
Married Couples - Develop Skills To Experience A Long-Lasting, Satisfying Marriage
Scientific research has shown the positive role faith and involvement in a community of faith can have on the quality, stability, and longevity of marriages. Prior to marriage, seriously dating and engaged couples can get pre-marriage training. Additionally, there are singles seeking a marriage built around faith who are looking to make connections with other like-minded singles.
Pre-Marriage Resources For Engaged And Seriously Dating Couples
Pre-Marriage Resources For Engaged And Seriously Dating Couples
The best time to start a marriage off right is before it starts. The relationship prior to marriage and the expectations going into marriage impact the overall quality of the marriage. Unfortunately, many people today are opting out of marriage because of a family history of divorce or troubled relationships. This is not what God intended for marriage. Humans were created to be in strong, healthy families. As mentioned in the marriage section, in certain research studies less than 2 out of 1,000 couples in the study got a divorce and the marriages tended to be very satisfying when the couples engaged in certain spiritual practices and developed certain skills and habits. Discover keys for couples to save and strengthen their marriage before it starts.
Singles Who Are Marriage Minded... There’s Hope
Singles Who Are Marriage Minded... There’s Hope
There are many marriage-minded singles who are people of faith. Unfortunately, these people are oftentimes scattered across churches, and there might be special someone just a short distance away. Even with special events for singles or when singles do meet each other, there are often social norms in faith communities that make it difficult for people to even go on a first date. Plus, there is high quality training material available that can help singles strengthen their dating relationships or strengthen a possible future marriage. If you are interested in meeting other people of faith who are marriage-minded singles (or maybe you’re interested in some old-fashioned matchmaking), or you’re interested in resources to strengthen future dating relationships, signup for news and updates.
Prayer has an impact! You can pray for crime to go down, for our government leaders, and for God to change the City
Prayer has an impact! You can pray for crime to go down, for our government leaders, and for God to change the City...
Whether you have just a few minutes per day or a lot of time, you can be praying along with others for the city of Austin. Plus, you can pray almost anywhere… in your car while driving to work, while going for a walk, or even while getting ready in the morning. In the Scriptures, people of faith are encouraged to pray for leaders and government leaders so that things will go well. How do you think things are going in our City? Do you think there could be some improvement? Yes, there are so many things we can be praying for regarding Austin. Depression and loneliness have gone up over the last several years. There are so many people who need prayer. Plus, there are upcoming elections to pray for; plus, we can pray for safety in our schools. Let’s pray and make this a praying city!
WANTED! Kingdom Outside Is Looking For Prayers, Warriors, People Who Like To Play, And Intercessors To Pray For Kingdom Outside!
WANTED! Kingdom Outside Is Looking For Prayers, Warriors, People Who Like To Play, And Intercessors To Pray For Kingdom Outside!
Kingdom Outside is looking for pray for Kingdom Outside. Whether you are someone who likes to pray, a seasoned prayers warriors, or and intercessors, your prayers are appreciated! By signing up, you’ll have the opportunity to pray for upcoming events and more. We believe that prayers is foundational to kingdom impact. We looking to build a prayer team for Kingdom Outside.